23 February 2009

For all my talk of Spring...

It snowed 11 inches this weekend. Joy.

As I often do when I'm snowed in - I went shopping - on etsy naturally. I bought some stuff - a fantasy bought a lot more!
This fabulous set from SpaGoddess arrived for me on Saturday - if you haven't visited her shop, you should. I bought the mini set for myself for my birthday - and within a week, my skin looked so much better that I had to go back for the full sized kit.

I found a fab 70s kimono style robe at an estate sale last year - in my size too - but have never managed to find a nightgown to match it - until now :)

This pretty little thing should be on it's way to me soon from FlowerBedHead.

After those I put myself on a shopping ban - but had my credit card been more lenient - these would also be in my possession:

This fab romper from greasywaitress

And this super sweet babydoll set from greygardenvintage

C'mon money fairy....


  1. The skin care stuff looks great! Thanks for referring the shop. :o)

  2. Wow, so much fabulous stuff Blythe! I'm going to look into that skincare set. Oh, and I'm so glad that fantastic retro bikini went to you!

  3. Oh no CC - that was one of the ones I had to hold off on.... :(

    Am hoping it will be mine soon though...

  4. Fab finds!! Hope you get the bathing suit! I wanna go shop now ;D
